Monday 21 December 2015

Girl Hygiene 1

This blog post was borne out of the anger and frustration I felt yesterday. I was in a taxi and as usual, we all were packed like sardines. Bodies rubbing against each other and for once in my life I wish I'd walked on foot. It was far better than the torture I was going through. Okay now, there was this hot toosh babe who sat by my right. Looking at her from head to toe, one would almost swear that shit no dey comot from her yansh but guess what, her hair stank!! Her hair smelt like she had a dead rat hidden up in her weave and it was annoying and frustrating at the same time to think that a hot babe with yellow nails as long as eagle claws, face full with make -up, and a handbag I admired so much would carry a smelly weave about. It was then I realised too many girls/women pay very little attention to their personal hygiene.              

          Now, this is some sort of appeal to my chics out there, biko try at all times to be impeccably neat. Being neat doesn't just end at wearing clothes without stains on them, using a full bottle of perfume within a week, or being a pro at your makeup game everyday, it has a whole lot to do with those parts of you people don't really get to see.

1. Have regular baths. I can't stress the importance of this. Y'all should understand.

2. Shave at short regular intervals. Leaving grown hair in the armpits and 'down there' locks in moisture, traps dirt, and brings out offensive odour. The sight of a bushy armpit would disgust anyone; I recently saw a girl in school with black bushy armpits and she just kept screaming and raising her hands up like something extraordinary was wrong with her. It was more like #armpitsonfleek. Lol.

3. Underwears should be given utmost priority. All them g-strings, cup bras, butt pads, etc should be paid attention to. A girl should have more than enough at her disposal.

4. Weaves, wigs, and everything that has to do with the hair should be maintained properly. For me, 3weeks is the maximum a weave should be worn. Before it starts oozing.

5. Less is more. Too much makeup, over drawn eyebrows like I see everywhere, too many colours on one person, weird looking nails painted colours one can only find in a crayon set, etc all look nothing but DIRTY. To achieve  that neat classy look, everything has to be done in moderation because not only is less more, simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.
      I'll stop here. My girls we all should start learning...

P.S: This harmattan we should endeavour to pay attention to our heels, Vaseline or let's say moisturisers for the posh babes shouldn't leave our bags/purses. There's nothing as embarrassing as seeing a chic all dressed up with dry, broken heels and her feet looking as white as that of a Fulani herds man. #Nuffsaid!!

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