Tuesday 11 August 2015

Afo Nshí - A POEM

Sitting calmly and suffering beneath,
struggling with the rumbles and battling with the urge
running eager to the comfort zone to release the surge
one..two..three droppings, others follow suit.
shout, cries and wails of agony making me wonder if I ate a forbidden fruit.

Dashing out and running back into my comfort zone
the usual "droppings" takes course
staring at my half-baked shadow on the beautiful designs characterising the walls
reminiscing through past glorious memories,
but all,still in agony and full of regrets.

                                       Oh God!
Is this life?
When will all these end?
Will I recuperate or continue to wallow in my agony and strife?
Is this world a foe or a friend?